1. A Fabulously Helpful Husband- seriously i'm not joking. I couldn't have made it through this week without my wonderful Matty. We opted to have family come in and stay with us after we got the hang of everything, so we could figure out this new parent stuff together on our own. I know, a scary move on my part, but it's been the most amazing week. Sure we are sleep deprived and a little loopy but i'm so glad he was able to take off work for a week and really figure it out with me. We are such a great team and i'm so thankful for his never ending helping daddy attitude and how happy is to do anything and everything. One of my favorite moments of the week is when he was changing a diaper and Max started pooping in the middle of it! He was scream "AHHH, wow kid how did that much come out of something so little!" we have had our fair share of being peed and pooped on this week.
2. A Professional Cleaning Service- One of the best things i did was research a cleaning company during pregnancy and then we called them when we got to the hospital and arranged for them to come and clean the house before we came home with Max. It was AMAZING. Coming home to a perfectly spotless house was a treat and let me totally take my mind off of anything chore related and just focus on Max. I highly recommend it.
3. the My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow, Lanolin Cream, & Hydrogel Pads- For the Breastfeeding mother these three things are essential. When we first got home from the hospital i didn't use my pillow because when i tried it in the hospital bed it just wasn't working out, well that was due to the awkward hospital bed, not the pillow, and after fighting with 4 pillows all around me on the bed every time i nursed i decided to give it another shot, and it is fabulous. It has a latch that keeps it up (unlike the boppy) and its super stable and just makes nursing so much easier. The lanolin cream is essential and the hydrogel pads are also great in preventing cracking, bleeding & any other unwanted discomfort. Ask for the hydrogel pads at the hospital- they have them, but don't really offer them so you have to ask, but ask, because they aren't cheap!
7. The Infant Nightgowns- We are a big fan of the sleepers with the elastic at the bottom, especially since we put the swaddle sack over it. It makes it super easy for diaper changes- no snaps or zippers to worry about and they just look comfy, right?

10. Pack-n-Play with Changing Table- We put our pack-n-play on the main level (my house has an upstairs where the bedrooms are, a main level and then the basement) and it has been super convenient to have somewhere to place him while we are eating or watching tv, etc. Especially because he literally sleeps all the time and i'm not comfortable just putting him on the couch just in case he might roll. i guess i could just use the monitor and have him upstairs, but i like that he's with us even though he's asleep. It's also fabulous for diaper changes, the one i have has a diaper changing station on it and i love it.
For such a little guy he sure has a lot of stuff. :) A little update- we are doing great, he is such a sleeper. I have to wake him up to feed him every single feeding- day and night. I think next week (once he is 2 weeks old) i am going to transition into 7 feedings a day instead of 8, eliminating one of the middle of the night feedings. I know he's doing good health wise, even though he's always sleeping, because his diapers are very consistent and he has gained weight. We try to keep him awake during the day for the 30 minutes after he eats and he's been getting better at that- and then as soon as we swaddle him he's down for the count. My only frustration is that since he's such a sleepy baby i have a hard time keeping him awake to eat a full feeding, so we have to strip him down to his diaper for each feeding and sometimes even get a cold wash cloth to give him a little cold shock, changing his diaper in the middle of the feeding also helps.
I am pretty much following the book On Becoming BabyWise, in my opinion there are a ton of great baby method books out there but i just decided to choose one and go with it, instead of reading a bunch and becoming overwhelmed with advice. I know a lot of people who used baby wise and it worked for them so that's what we are doing as well. So far it's been going great- he's on such a good 3 hour schedule, and it's just nice to have some sort of "manual" to help say this is normal, this is good, this is bad, etc. Oh and look at the time- feeding time, again! :)
Source: http://angelamuir.blogspot.com/2011/02/top-10-newborn-essentials.html
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