Monday, April 25, 2011

One Pizza costs $1000.

One of relatives recently returned from New York after completing her higher studies. The way she exited from New York created quite a stir in my family.

She is mad about Pizza. A few days before she was scheduled to leave the U.S., she had gone to party at Nino Selimaj's luxury (?) pizza outlet with her friends and paid through nose. She shelled out over $1000 plus tips.

When she came out of the shop, she went directly to her apartment, opened her laptop and looked out for Nino's pizza. What she read shocked her. The pizza she ate with her friends contained an expensive caviar. The other toppings of the pizza included a lobster!

The funniest things is she thought she ate a vegetarian pizza and that is why she was shocked when read the bill amount that crossed $1000!

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