Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Terrorising the Anti-Smoking Righteous!

One of our guests at the smoky-drinky last night is having a great deal of fun with the anti-smoking zealots. He saves some of his cigarette butts in a small ziplock plastic bag and when the opportunity arises he takes one or two out and leaves them where they can be found. This can be in restaurants, council waiting rooms, doctors waiting rooms, offices, airports, airline/tran toilets and so on.

Sometimes for added effect he leaves a disposable ashtray too. He says it's hilarious to see the anti-smoking righteous go into acute terrified panic mode, rushing to report it and then trying to find the deadly assassin smoker.

l must say l love it ... but then l would, wouldn't l?  l am an evil smoker! ... a smoking terrorist, in fact.

Source: http://nothing-2-declare.blogspot.com/2011/04/terrorising-anti-smoking-righteous.html

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